Monday, December 19, 2005


Do you know anyone who's dated for 10 years? Greg and Holly started dating in High School. They made it through the long distance relationship when one went to Davis and the other to Cal Poly. After graduation, one worked in Sacramento and the other stayed in the South Bay. Through ups and downs, dips and valleys, they've worked through all the kinks of their lives. And on their 10th anniversary as a couple, Greg finally seals the deal and asks for Holly's hand in matrimony. May the Lord bless them with an abundance of grace and love.

On a different note, congratulations to me also!! Spent almost the entire weekend working on my shower. That's the problem with buying an old home. Everything is either broken or close to breaking. Most of the things are beyond repair. Some parts are impossible to replace cuz it's obsolete. And then there's just the old factor.

Started with Joycie asking me to unclog the drain and scrub down the walls. Then I realized that the drain cap was loose...the screw heads came off but the screws were intact. Greattttttt.... nothing like removing an unremovable screw. I asked the Home Depot guy how to remove the screw. His advice, "Sell the house. It'll be easier."
The faucet handles were leaking so I needed to work on those. There were so much grime and rust...most of my time was spent taking things apart! I got to a point where I was Repairing by Destruction. Bought a cobalt drill bit and started ripping everything in sight!! ARGH ARGH ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But 830PM Sunday night, the leaking stopped ,the drain was secured. And Joycie had a hot pasta dinner with salad waiting. Yet again, I'm convinced that my future offsprings will either be a doctor, lawyer or plumber.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the end, there can be only one, and it's not Greg!