Monday, February 27, 2006

English Proficiency

One of 73,270 California high school seniors are unable to fulfill a new state law requiring students to pass a test of basic English, math and algebra to graduate. That's 1 in 5 members of the state's Class of 2006, says the state Department of Education. More than half of those who still need to pass -- 40,002 students -- don't speak much English.
-- San Francisco Chronicle, Feb 27, 2006.

How can you gradute from High School without knowing English. This is an English speaking country. Try pulling the same stunt in any other country in the world and they'll just laugh at you.

Nothing like a little controversy to stir up a Monday afternoon.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Make God's Word Your Daily Bread

The New Testament is
in the Old Testament.

The Old Testament is
in the New Testament.

The New Testament is
in the Old Testament.

The Old Testament is
in the New Testament.

The New Testament
the Old Testament.

The Old Testament
the New Testament.

The New Testament
in the Old Testament.

The Old Testament
in the New Testament.

The Old Testament
a Person.

The New Testament
that Person.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Food for thought

A Folk Classification of Animals>

    Living on the Ground
  • Animals with hooves
    -Split hoof and chews cud [EDIBLE]
    ox, sheep, goat, hart, gazelle, roebuck, wild
    goat, pygarg (ibex), antelope, mountain sheep
    -Whole hoof and chews cud [INEDIBLE]
    camel, hare, rock-badger
    -Split hoof but does not chew cud [INEDIBLE]
  • Animals with paws [INEDIBLE]
  • Animals that creep or swarm [INEDIBLE]
    weasel, mouse, lizard, gecko, crocodile, chameleon
  • Animals that travel on belly [INEDIBLE]
  • Animals with many feet [INEDIBLE]

    Living in the Water
  • Animals with fins and scales [EDIBLE]
  • Animals without fins and scales [INEDIBLE]

    Living in the Air
  • Animals that fly
    -Clean birds [EDIBLE]
    -Unclean birds [INEDIBLE]
    eagle, vultures, osprey, kite, falcon, falcon,
    raven, ostrich, hawks, sea-mew, owls, cormorant,
    pelican, heron, hoopoe, bat
  • Animals that swarm, with wings and jointed legs [EDIBLE]
    locust, grasshopper, cricket
  • Animals that swarm, with four feet [INEDIBLE]

"...commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer." – 1 Timothy 4:3-5

Friday, February 17, 2006

Garter and Bouqet...

PNC caught the garter at my wedding. He's set to marry Stella in July.

Corinne caught the bouqet and got engaged to Ari this past weekend.


Friday, February 10, 2006

taking a break...

From Karen's Xanga. Kinda weird...not only am I a theater major, but I'm an ACTRESS!!! Not an actor, but an actress!!!

You scored as Theater. You should be a Theater major! Like a bohemian actress, you are seasoned and confident and not afraid to express yourself!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

No mas, por favor.

No more travelling...please. I can't stand another 6 hours of being trapped between two people with their elbows on MY arm rest and their knees crossing over to MY territory while the chair in front of me is securely lodged into my kneecaps.

But I do have to commend Chicago's O'Hare Airport. They designed it in a way such that if you're trying to connect to a different flight, you have to run all the way from one end of the airport to the other. Never fails!! It's like running in the middle of the Mong Kok...where everyone is trying to connect to their flight. Rumbling, bumbling, stumbling....enough with the sarcasm.

The highlight of O'Hare International falls not on their eateries, their location, their peculiar way of placing terminals...but in their bathrooms. Ah yes....the ultimate fortress of solitude where one can regain what's left of one's self-dignity after going through a security check.

What's so good about O'Hare's bathroom? Well...for one, 2/3 of the essential handwashing elements are automated. The faucet is automated. SCORE! The soap is automated. DOUBLE SCORE!! But their paper towel dispenser is not! WHAMMY!!! C'mon've spent the money already...might as well spend a little more and be completely sanitary!

Another plus of O'Hare's bathroom are their toilet seats. This could be a plus or a HUUUUUUUUUGE minus....but the cowboy hats (the term I use for the paper thingy you sit on) is automated! Instead of having to do the customary "Pull up-pull down" to launch a cowboy hat, you wave a hand across a sensor to automatically replace the seat covering, hereafter referred to as the CURRENT SITUATION. And it's not a cowboy hate, oh-no. They have elected to use this plastic tubing that slides ontop of the seat. The CURRENT SITUATION, slides into a housing behind the toilet, disappearing to who knows where. And a NEW SITUATION comes out to replace the CURRENT SITUATION. Of course, one can't help but think, "Are they using the same plastic tubing over and over again??"

Thought provoking, it is...
Anyhoo...professor moved one of my two midterms to the week after. WOOHOO!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Up up...and away....

Flying out to Philadelphia again. I was just there two weeks ago. Last week I was in San Diego. Now I'm going back to Philly. I'm really not looking forward to the 7 hour flight into windy Chicago and even windier Philly. I'm certainly not looking forward to waking up in about 2 hours to catch a 6 o'clock flight. Throw in the two midterms next week and me missing class this week due to travel...and I'll say this is officially a Bad Week. Hey...I'm allowed 2 "Bad Weeks" every year. This will be one of them...I'll save the other one for when I forget my wedding anniversary or something....

Steelers won....WOOHOO!! Kinda happy for Bill Cowher. I'm a big fan of people who deserve to win, actually winning. The Superbowl was one of the most non-entertaining one ever, but Superbowls are Superbowls. Regardless of who plays and how they're playing, people will tune in. I actually watched the entire game!!

The commericials were below expectations. I guess when you set yourselves up every year, you're bound to come back down sooner or later. My favorite one will have to the be Fed Ex one where the caveman kicks the little dinosaur, then gets stomped by the Gigantic Dinosaur.

PRAISE THE LORD!!! Solomon So finally made it out of Carol's womb!! I think he'll be the first baby that I wouldn't mind calling me "UNCLE." Will be another year or two before that happens tho....I'm in no hurry.