Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Food for thought

A Folk Classification of Animals>

    Living on the Ground
  • Animals with hooves
    -Split hoof and chews cud [EDIBLE]
    ox, sheep, goat, hart, gazelle, roebuck, wild
    goat, pygarg (ibex), antelope, mountain sheep
    -Whole hoof and chews cud [INEDIBLE]
    camel, hare, rock-badger
    -Split hoof but does not chew cud [INEDIBLE]
  • Animals with paws [INEDIBLE]
  • Animals that creep or swarm [INEDIBLE]
    weasel, mouse, lizard, gecko, crocodile, chameleon
  • Animals that travel on belly [INEDIBLE]
  • Animals with many feet [INEDIBLE]

    Living in the Water
  • Animals with fins and scales [EDIBLE]
  • Animals without fins and scales [INEDIBLE]

    Living in the Air
  • Animals that fly
    -Clean birds [EDIBLE]
    -Unclean birds [INEDIBLE]
    eagle, vultures, osprey, kite, falcon, falcon,
    raven, ostrich, hawks, sea-mew, owls, cormorant,
    pelican, heron, hoopoe, bat
  • Animals that swarm, with wings and jointed legs [EDIBLE]
    locust, grasshopper, cricket
  • Animals that swarm, with four feet [INEDIBLE]

"...commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer." – 1 Timothy 4:3-5

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