Friday, April 28, 2006


So I'm on hold... and with nothing else better to do, I start playing Solitaire.
Funny thing (well, not HA-HA funny), I start a standard, Draw-3 game. I start out without any moves. So I click the deck...and as I've gone through the deck. I just noticed that I don't have any moves at all!!
Another reason to play Freecell...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Still searching

Been about two weeks since I sold Titanic. I can't say I miss it, but I certainly wouldn't mind having her around. Be that as it may, we've been looking into a replacement for Titanic. And it's been a bear finding "the next car." With gas prices going sky high again, we oughta really think Corolla, Civic or Hybrid. Yet, I can't get pass myself for passing up on my chance for a Bimmer or Lexus. Luxury cars are nice... but the maintenance on those cars are pricey. Plus I can't really justify getting such an expensive car. Being neither here or there, it looks like we're going to settle on a Camry or Accord. And I do stress the word settle. Maybe we can get through the summer and wait till the annual End of Year clearances around August/September. Sigh...decisions decisions..

Tutoring Highlight of the Week: Every week, each tutor brings snack for the students. We usually bring healthy stuff like granola bars or oatmeal bars. But this week, being that it was summer weather, good ol' Isaac brings Pepsi and NESTLE CRUCH ICE CREAM BARS!!! WOOHOO!!! Isaac Rocks!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Street Names

Heard this on the radio. The most popular/most used street names in America are as follows:

  1. Second Street
  2. Main Street
  3. Third Street
  4. First Street

Try explaining THAT!

Friday, April 14, 2006


五年啦。 係我人生最燦爛同最低落的時候﹐她都沒有離棄我。 我們一起返學﹐放學﹐返工﹐放工。亦一起遊覽過美加多處的美景。 人們雖然笑她﹐辱罵她﹐話它有多麼醜陋﹐在我心中﹐她永遠是美麗的﹐是忠心的﹐是一位能信靠的好知己。 當我另結新歡時﹐她依然在我背後默默地支持我。我承認﹐是我忽略了她。 我沒有好好照顧和疼錫她。 導致今天無言的結局。

今天﹐我在一千美元的誘惑下﹐出賣了她。 她。。。就是鐵達尼。

一次又一次的送她入廠醫病﹐愛妻和我終於決定是時候放棄。 將鐵達尼捐去某某機構﹐明年可以扣 稅, 大家都好過0的。經過一連串的調查﹐ 發覺扣稅的數目是相當微小。 不如嘗試尋找有緣人。 踏破鐵鞋無覓處﹐得來全不費Craigslist。



I dedicate this song to you....
曲:芹澤廣明 詞:向雪懷 編:入江純



你為了我 我為了你

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A fine steak

Flew down to Long Beach for a symposium and had a chance to explore the fine dining in that area. Monday afternoon, after the symposium, I went to the hotel gym. Ran a few miles on the elliptical and did some laps in the hotel pool...worked up a hearty appetite just so I can go tackle a 24oz porterhouse at 555 East Steakhouse.

Time between ordering and having the food delivered was a little longer than expected. They could have at least brought some bread for me to munch on. After what seemed like eternity, the 24oz bone-in porterhouse with the football sized baked potato arrived. I immediately carved into the heart of the steak to check for the wellness. Ahhhhhhh....MEDIUM RARE!! They got it right!!

I went pop-eyed for their creamed spinach. Most creamed spinaches I've had are either diced or chopped. 555's were still in their long, full form. Their horseradish left a bit to be desired. With the tanginess present, it lacked the kick I'd expect. Their steak platter could've been a little bigger also - givine me more room to carve. Was disappointed their manager didn't come over to say hi, but seeing I was sitting at the bar, he probably left that job to the bartender.

All is forgiven after the first bite. The meat was so soft and tender, it was like biting into a piece of fish. And with enough juice overflowing I was lucky it didn't pour out of my mouth. Overall, the food was definitely: eXquisite. Gotta find ways to weasel into more of these symposiums.

Only thing that was missing...Joycie couldn't be there to share this experience with me.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Opening Day 2006

Rain, rain and more rain. The weatherman hasn't been very creative lately, cuz there's nothing new to report on. Then came the fateful day...

Thursday morning, I woke up to an anomaly - BLUE SKY and SUNSHINE. Hahahaha...

There's nothing like Opening Day. As I'm holding my wife's hand, we step off the escalator. The aroma of the roasted almonds, the smokiness of Chicago Style hotdogs, the murmurs of the little children who's parents pulled them out of school, the roar of the crowd echoing through the foundations, the new HD Plasma TV's hanging off of every corner, and finally we emerge behind the press box.

First thing I noticed, the Old Navy Splash Landing sign got replaced by an atrocious looking Levi Spash Landing sign. The old'skool counter is now replaced by a stone age Seven-Segment Display. The green outfield wall is now graffitied with a plethora of corporate advertisement. Sigh... such an eyesore.

Due to the downpour of rain, the grass really wasn't green. The dirt really wasn't brown. But all was forgiven when Omar's flyball soared itto the heavens and a blur of white jerseys sped around the basepaths. Runners on 2nd and 3rd and here came Barry!!


The chants were defeaning. The crowd goes wild. (cliche) And what happens next?? The catcher stands up, sticks his left arm straightout pointing to the Giants dugout, and all those chants of "BARRY!! BARRY!!" became roars of "BOOS!!!" Good ol' Bobby Cox wasn't going to let Bonds beat he gave him the Four Finger Wave.

The game turned out to be quick and short.
Final score: Giants 6 - Braves 4.
3 games down, 159 games to go.

Henry & Joyce's 2006 Season Record: 1-0.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

At exactly...

... 1:02AM and 3 seconds today (April 5, 2006), we will have:

01 02 03 04 05 06

of Asia, you'll have to wait about a month...