Thursday, April 27, 2006

Still searching

Been about two weeks since I sold Titanic. I can't say I miss it, but I certainly wouldn't mind having her around. Be that as it may, we've been looking into a replacement for Titanic. And it's been a bear finding "the next car." With gas prices going sky high again, we oughta really think Corolla, Civic or Hybrid. Yet, I can't get pass myself for passing up on my chance for a Bimmer or Lexus. Luxury cars are nice... but the maintenance on those cars are pricey. Plus I can't really justify getting such an expensive car. Being neither here or there, it looks like we're going to settle on a Camry or Accord. And I do stress the word settle. Maybe we can get through the summer and wait till the annual End of Year clearances around August/September. Sigh...decisions decisions..

Tutoring Highlight of the Week: Every week, each tutor brings snack for the students. We usually bring healthy stuff like granola bars or oatmeal bars. But this week, being that it was summer weather, good ol' Isaac brings Pepsi and NESTLE CRUCH ICE CREAM BARS!!! WOOHOO!!! Isaac Rocks!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey.. resale value is pretty good ;) of course. go w/ beemer!!!!