Saturday, February 03, 2007


This box of Costco Saran Wrap has followed me since my 2nd year in college till now. That's almost an entire decade!! But tonight...I finally used up the entire roll.

Like reading a good you come to the last chapter, you simply refuse to read any further because you know something great is about to come to an end. My hand shook the moment I pulled out the Saran wrap and saw a yellow, gluey residue instead of the usual clear shiney gloss. I simply could not bear parting with this trustworthy piece of household decor.

We've been through thick and thin together... we've seen the best of men and the worst of mankind together... we've travelled miles and miles as a team... and today, I must bid you farewell.

Thank you for assuring me you'll always be there for me. Regardless of the weather, regardless of the situation, regardless of the environment... you let me know that I can always count on you. And as you and I both move on to a new phase in our lives... I bless you to continue bringing the happiness you once brought to me to someone else.

Sayonara Moonchi and Andrew...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That thing is the same thing since back! I'm saddened by that also...

Keep the box!