Monday, February 26, 2007

The Academy Awards aka the Oscars

"Me fellow Americans..." --Al Gore when accepting an Oscar for Best Documentary --"An Inconvenient Truth"

Hollywood has always been a voice of the liberal political spectrum. During the 40's and 50's when much of Hollywood was controlled by the Jewish population, there were a lot of Anti-Nazi movies and flicks (ie Three Stooges spoofs and Charlie Chaplin comedies). Several years ago, the Oscars were touted for being "The Year of African Americans" when Halle Barry and Denzel Washington won for Best Actress/Actors. Last year an Asian director, Ang Lee won Best Director for Brokeback Mountain, a film about homosexual relations.

This year was the "Year of Internationalism" with a record-breaking number of nominees from outside of the US. It was also a year for liberal America to take center stage. The show was hosted by an openly lesbian woman, Ellen DeGeneres. Melissa Etheridge wins the award for Best Song and openly thanks "her wife and 4 children." Al Gore surreptitiously sneaks back into the presidential race in what could've been the Democratic National Convention. Acceptance speeches were given in multi-languages. And the host coined it together by saying, "If not for Blacks, Jews and gays, there won't even be an Oscars."
I don't exactly agree with that but it's certainly where pop-culture is leaning towards...

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