Thursday, September 27, 2007

The beauty of Free Labor...

One year ago... one DeAnza student "volunteered" to uproot my front lawn.

One year later... four DeAnza students "volunteered" to lay down sod.

Hopefully next year... I'll have 16 DeAnza students remodeling my house.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Life is good.... life is great...

A lot of people go through life and remember only the bad times but neglect the good things. I praise God for His blessings and caretaking during good times and bad. Recently, it's been especially good!
(in no particular order of importance)

1) Three weeks ago, I got to see the Niners opening day. Though I caught a cold... I was at NINERS OPENING DAY!!!

2) My front lawn has life again. I could've never done it alone. Praise God for International Students.

3) This past Sunday, I spent a great afternoon and evening with my two of my best buddies watching a Giants game while chit-chatting away about NOTHING for three whole hours. We then headed over to the House of Prime Rib for a great dinner and more non-sense chatter. There are just some things in life that's worth cherishing. A Giants game, a nice steak, and a good conversation ranks up there for me...

4) Being able to run the bases at AT&T park.

5) It was a simple exchange of emails, but one particular email that stood out:

Drinks - Wond
Food - Joey
Rice - Sandy
Watermelon - Kelvin

Just four simple lines gave me this warm and fuzzy feeling that we're not just random people coming together to hang out... these people are my brothers and sisters... We're family!

6) Being able to do BSF homework with my wife on a quiet Thursday night - what a gift.

7) Venting away at people... realize that my life is no where near as bad as theirs... and in turn, being able to be the LISTENER instead of the TALKER. How great is that??

8) Finding the most awesome Taqueria in the Bay Area -- not by chance or by luck... but by the grace of the Almighty and the hunger of an engineer. Garica's Taqueria on the corner of El Camino and Fair Oaks. It is 'da-bomb!'

9) Rain on a late September Saturday

10) Babies being born and weddings consumating...

11) The fact I can wake up every morning...and the second thing I the most beautiful face God has ever created. And I am so blessed, so loved by God, to have this gift for the rest of our life!!

12) TWA isn't just TWA... it's a two way conversation.

There's more... but I'm tired from typing....

Sunday, September 23, 2007


HA!! 5 years already....

September 16, 2007

Congratulations on celebrating 5 years with our company. Thank you for your ongoing dedication and commitment. People are the essence of any great company - people like you who are talented, creative, and who work together to make us a leader in the industry, and set us apart from our competitors. Together we strive for excellence and achieve it!

This is the perfect occasion to stop and reflect on your contributions, and to say thank you. To select a service recognition gift of your choice, please visit our online gift ordering website at, enter access code XXXX and employee ID number XXXX.

Best wishes for continued success and again, congratulations.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The inevitable...

You know it was coming...but still, when it does show up... you feel very awkward and out of place. You feel like someone has betrayed you...stuck a knife in your back and twisted it. The feeling is hollow. It's not personal....just business. There's no such thing as loyalty anymore. Good-bye Barry... it's been one heckuva ride.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Two Year Anniversary

Last year...we were in Paris.
This year...we both called in sick cuz we both had the cold.

It's not what you's who you do it with...

Friday, September 14, 2007


四個 Wii制

Thursday, September 13, 2007



Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Niners Opening Night

You know your team has made it when they're on Monday Night Football -- especially opening week! What a blessing to have the opportunity to be able to be there to pay live tribute to the man they called "The Genius." Though the tribute was somewhat petty and most non-climactic... it was a tribute nonetheless.

Good ol' Candlestick. The eerie winds and echos flowing in and out of the passages that carried so many fond memories of the past. We sat in the lower bowl, inside the infamous Orange Seat section where the bleachers conveniently block our view of half the action. This section is also where the scantily dressed, yet abundantly talented Gold Rush enters and exits.

Highlight of the night wasn't the Niners victory. It wasn't walking through the tunnel and seeing the green of the grass, the brown of the dirt, or the red of the jerseys. It wasn't teaching Francisco the intricacies of the American Football. Nor was it seeing for the very first time, F-14's timing their fly-by's at the exact moment of the National Anthem (though that was very cool). The highlight of the evening was when Erica and Anna said, "We miss tutoring. Wish we can have it back."

Final Score:
49ers 20
Cardinals 17

And that....was Opening Night for the 49ers. We are officially, undefeated.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Such an Amazing Grace

"You once were lost...but now am found..."

1530 South DeAnza Blvd
San Jose 95129

Friday, September 07, 2007


Keep the good news coming!! Hahahahahahahaha...(breathe)...hahahahahahaha

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

It is what it is...

Packing up and readying to moving to a different locale. If there's anything I haven't learned in my previous moves, it's throwing stuff away. How do I have 13 boxes worth of stuff after working 5 years...when someone's who's worked over 17 years only has 4? Suffice to say, I'm definitely one that hangs onto the past. Sometimes, I hang on a little too long.

There are some things I just have to learn to let go of. I can't hold onto everything forever. Let the past be the past. It is what it is...and more importantly, it was what it was. I was happy then. And I am happy now. The past shaped me into who I am and where I am today, but the past is not me today. It's not me during this moment in time...

(Thank you Zhen-master for finally waking me up)