Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Life is good.... life is great...

A lot of people go through life and remember only the bad times but neglect the good things. I praise God for His blessings and caretaking during good times and bad. Recently, it's been especially good!
(in no particular order of importance)

1) Three weeks ago, I got to see the Niners opening day. Though I caught a cold... I was at NINERS OPENING DAY!!!

2) My front lawn has life again. I could've never done it alone. Praise God for International Students.

3) This past Sunday, I spent a great afternoon and evening with my two of my best buddies watching a Giants game while chit-chatting away about NOTHING for three whole hours. We then headed over to the House of Prime Rib for a great dinner and more non-sense chatter. There are just some things in life that's worth cherishing. A Giants game, a nice steak, and a good conversation ranks up there for me...

4) Being able to run the bases at AT&T park.

5) It was a simple exchange of emails, but one particular email that stood out:

Drinks - Wond
Food - Joey
Rice - Sandy
Watermelon - Kelvin

Just four simple lines gave me this warm and fuzzy feeling that we're not just random people coming together to hang out... these people are my brothers and sisters... We're family!

6) Being able to do BSF homework with my wife on a quiet Thursday night - what a gift.

7) Venting away at people... realize that my life is no where near as bad as theirs... and in turn, being able to be the LISTENER instead of the TALKER. How great is that??

8) Finding the most awesome Taqueria in the Bay Area -- not by chance or by luck... but by the grace of the Almighty and the hunger of an engineer. Garica's Taqueria on the corner of El Camino and Fair Oaks. It is 'da-bomb!'

9) Rain on a late September Saturday

10) Babies being born and weddings consumating...

11) The fact I can wake up every morning...and the second thing I see...is the most beautiful face God has ever created. And I am so blessed, so loved by God, to have this gift for the rest of our life!!

12) TWA isn't just TWA... it's a two way conversation.

There's more... but I'm tired from typing....

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