Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bathroom Jabbers in the Air

沒有Egg nog latte 的日子. 第134日. 晴

There comes a time in when chefs no longer want to cook... artists no longer want to paint... pastors no longer want to preach... and bloggers no longer want to blog. It's been a few weeks since I've had the urge to publish anything into cyberspace for all 3 of you to read. (I'm talking about my die-hard fans. Yeah.. I know who you guys are. Thank you for your support.) I have a few drafts... but haven't had the desire to put the cherry on top of it... until today. Ahh.... to pave my way of returning to the blogging world... fittingly enough.... Bathroom Jabbers.

Inspired to blog from the article where a man sues JetBlue for making him sit on the toilet for more than 3 hours during a flight from New York to San Diego!!

The question comes... why don't airplanes have seatbelts for toilet? During a 90 minute flight, on average, the toilet is probably occupied for a good 45 minutes, right? If it's a cross-Atlantic flight of 14 hours, then a good 7 hours you have someone sitting (or standing, mind you) in the bathroom. Now how hard would it be to install seatbelts? Maybe airlines are afraid that once they have seatbelts, people will actually enjoy sitting in there instead of their Economy class seats -- be it there's more leg room in the bathrooms.

Here's a picture of the lavatory on Air Force One on display in Seattle's Flight Museum. Specially designed for Jackie-O... so you know it's gotta be good. This is for the First Lady... if anyone deserved a nice toilet or had the power to ask for a nice toilet, it would be Jackie-O. Look at it... how is it different from ours today? Remember, this was during the 60's. And look at us now... we have made zero progress in terms of lavatory comfort.

And how about that sucking mechansim in the toilet? Are you not afraid that if you stand too close to it... the hole can literally suck you INTO the TOILET?!? I've easily flown in over 500 flights (probably peanuts compared to many other people). But of the times I've been on a flight, I've never heard of it clogging. Maybe I'm just lucky... or maybe that's why airlines serve high-fiber snacks. Gotta keep the packages nice and steady. But if any science teacher wanted to educate their students on the Black Hole or a vaccum or an entity with so much gravitational power light can't escape... point them to an airplane toilet. But don't point too close.. otherwise you'll get sucked in...

I'm tired... maybe next time, I can elaborate on the sink and how the water in the sink NEVER goes down the hole but the toilet sucks in everything in its path. Or how you want to wash your hands and you only get drips of "questionable" water coming out the faucet. Until then... you are now free to move around your toilets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Jabber is back...