Wednesday, November 19, 2008


MILCOM - the premier international conference for military communications, attracting decision-makers from government, military, academia, and industry.

This year, MILCOM took place in San Diego. The largest concentration of Naval Officers in the world. It was my first time at MILCOM and among the hundreds of papers presented, among the thousands of people that are here networking the thing that stood out the most, was everyone's desire to serve our country and the honor we give those men and women who are in uniform.

Extremely touching that at the beginning of the first day of the event, there were the presentation of the colors (US and California flag) and we sang the national anthem. During the national anthem, the California flag is tilted so that only Old Glory stands up. At the beginning of every lunch, we said the "Pledge of Allegiance." At the beginning of every meal, a naval chaplain led in prayer.

It's this respect for your country that makes me feel proud to be an American.

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