Thursday, November 26, 2009

Personally Speaking

That time of the year again... the time of the year to give thanks, to eat too much and to start proofreading personal statements. This is something I absolutely love to do. I leave reading people's writings. Not the boring expository stuff.. but the personal stuff. The stuff that shows me what you've been through and where you want to go. I'm a big fan of blogs btw... so if you have a blog and I'm not reading it, drop the URL and I'll bookmark you. =)

I'm always surprised by the PS from our students. My PS can not even try to compare with theirs. These PS's have stories about opening their own businesses...or going on an archeological excavation. It actually has substance. Mine was about a little summer program where I volunteered to teach summer school. =)

And in a sense, I feel like the old woman who can only donate two coins to the offering. Or the little boy who brough Jesus the original 5 loaves and 2 fishes. I don't have a lot to bring to the table.. but I'll bring whatever I have, and I'm sure the Lord will multiply. Until next year...

Mood: buzzed

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Viral Infection

Got my flu shot! Oh yes... Didn't get the H1N1 shot yet. But oh... you know who (or what) didn't get a virus vaccine? My computer...

Oh... how lovely those virus, trojan, malware are. It doesn't disrupt your OS. No... it's sitting there waiting to check your login information. You can try to kill it with Spybot. But it regenerates. You can try to delete it manually...which I did. And get yourself into more trouble. Sigh...$140 to Geek Squad. The thing that miffes me the most is the day it completely crashed was the day I wanted to back up everything too!!! ARGH!!!!!

My father-in-law asked me if it's worth spend $30 on Norton/McAfee. My response... "It's like buying life insurance. You'll never see the money yooooo!"

Mood: violated

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rendered Irrelevant...

I absolutely despise it when I'm lazy in updating. So much has happened, but as time flows, all those life-changing events, herculean milestones, Kodak-moments are rendered irrelevant.

Saturday, November 07, 2009


昨晚Home Group, 談及到經典無線劇集... 有"唐心風暴", 有"創世記." 但當我提到"千王之王"時, 人人都用迷糊的眼神望我. 有人問... "千王之王不是一套戲嗎?"

大佬! 南神眼... 北千手... 點可以唔識呀? 現時ge教育水平真是令人擔心!

Mood: "冇Mood!"