Thursday, February 25, 2010

Regrowing some thick skin

It's been a while since I've gone out and randomly seeked people out to talk about church. I use to have it down. Had my little "elevator speech" handy. Had all my church facts straight. Had several personal testimonies to share in an instant.

Well... just like exercising, once you snooze, you lose.

Couple weeks ago, went to a Chinese supermarkets to pass out some flyers. And the confidence, the mood, the suave just wasn't there. And if you don't got suave... you're in deep poo-poo (baby language. That's how I talk now. Pee-pee and Poo-poo).

It felt good tho despite the blatant rejections. Felt good to be able to walk up to a complete stranger and completely interrupt them knowing full well they're ready to reject you. Some might say, "Sorry" and walk away. Just gotta love it when people give you "the hand." Or simply "shake their head disapprovingly."

Time for some OJT once again. In the meantime, gotta regrow that thick skin and have NO FEAR when it comes to evangelizing. "NO FEAR!! NO FEAR!! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!!"

Mood: fearful...ahhhh!!!!

1 comment:

Roy2000 said...

That's why people need to team up. Double skin is always thicker than one sheet of skin.