Wednesday, March 31, 2010

That's why our nation is in debt...

Watching the news right now... with back to back, "REALLY?!?" type of newstories.

1) This advocate group is petitioning to force Ronald Mcdonald to retire. - REALLY!?! 23,000 teachers are getting laid off and this is what we spend our money on??

2) Most recent discoveries show obesity is the biggest disease facing pets. - REALLY!?! Which group spent the money to produce that study when we're a poverty stricken nation.

And ppl ask why our nation is in such deep debt.

Mood: surprised

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Father Daughter Night

First official Father/Daughter Night.

Wife went to a cooking class so I stayed home with Nui-nui. Honestly, I was a little concerned about not knowing what to do with her. How do I entertain her? Do I have the patience to play with her? How will I cook for me...and feed her?

We watched a little NCAA together. Then she got on her jumper and I yapped on the phone a bit. Watched a little Sharks hockey. Then had dinner. Then yapped on the phone with grandma a bit. Bathed her. Then time for bed.

SAHM's.. (Stay at home moms)... you have my utmost respect!

Mood: tired

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform...

Not a lot of Asians in Congress. I think I'd look good on C-SPAN.
British parliment 100x more entertaining than Congress...

Mood: honored to be an American

Friday, March 19, 2010

Precious Moments

Made time to sit down for a good 10 minutes to watch Nui-nui play. Hard to believe...but that's probably the first time I've ever sat down to observe her.

There she was, playing with her blue cup. I hand her a Eeyore stuffed-ring. She grabs it with her left hand. She then looks at her cup. Looks at Eeyore. Looks back at the cup. Looks at Eeyore. Tosses away the cup and starts playing with Eeyore. Pinches it. Chews on it. Yanks on it. Then within seconds - throws Eeyore away and look for her blue cup again.

That little blue cup... her favorite toy. That was a precious moment... that moment in time...

Mood: precious

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daddy's little girl...

Reality is finally sinking in.. and y'know what? It sucks.

My little nui-nui is finally moving out of the teeney weeny innocent baby phase. Daddy's little girl is finally, undoubtedly, incontestably growing up... and it all happened so quick.

This Saturday - for the first time ever - she cried when someone held her and immediately quieted down when mommy held her again. The proverbial "識認人" syndrome. That someone - grandma.

Sunday - June EE merely looked at her and said something and immediately Nui-nui started crying. Then almost instantaneously when Han-E held her, she stopped.

During dinner - Nui-nui was drooling over Mah-mee's bowl of tomato soup. We all teased Nui-nui about being too young and even laughed at her big-eyes, O-mouth from staring at the soup. Within seconds, she knew we were talking about her and her O-mouth became as crooked as Lombard Street followed by tears of pity and shame.

I'm staring at her during dinner and her physical features have changed. Her face has gotten longer. Her cheeks have shrunk. Her dimples are more apparent. She is in fact, a cookie cutter version of Mah-mee.

When did this all happen? This all happened the last two weeks when I was too busy to take Nui-nui to and pick her up from Day Care. That's how quickly my baby grew up. And if I keep this up at work - before I know it - she'll be asking me for the keys to my Miata....

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... =((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

唉! 畢竟囡囡都開始大了...

Mood: shafted

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Deeper Life Conference 2010

First time in many years that I've attended the entire Deeper Life Conference. For some reason, I always miss either the Saturday morning or evening session. This year, I even got a little treat and attended a special Thursday night session.

Some of the highlights of this weekend include:

  • "Speak to my Heart. Change my Life. Make me Whole."
  • SHALOM!!
  • What was void in my life growing up... God has fulfilled.
  • What my father did not provide for me... God will instruct me to provide for Nui-nui
  • Nowadays... a father is usually the one who single-handedly disconnects the baby from his/her mother by cutting the umbilical cord. In a sense, the father is the first to deliver this feeling of separation. Better the father than a nurse/doctor I suppose. But at the same time, present day hospitals usually puts the newborn infant on the mother's chest PRIOR TO the cutting of the cord. The connection, therefore, is never lost. Phew...
  • Illusion of intimacy - pornography and it's link to anxiety/tension and BABY'S RAGE!
  • Luk 9:62 Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." -- Finally know what this means... hahaha

The speaker wasn't the most dynamic or exciting. Nor was she the funniest or entertaining. But God used her to do exactly what he intended for me to hear. Of which I am ever so thankful.

Mood: rooted