Sunday, March 07, 2010

Deeper Life Conference 2010

First time in many years that I've attended the entire Deeper Life Conference. For some reason, I always miss either the Saturday morning or evening session. This year, I even got a little treat and attended a special Thursday night session.

Some of the highlights of this weekend include:

  • "Speak to my Heart. Change my Life. Make me Whole."
  • SHALOM!!
  • What was void in my life growing up... God has fulfilled.
  • What my father did not provide for me... God will instruct me to provide for Nui-nui
  • Nowadays... a father is usually the one who single-handedly disconnects the baby from his/her mother by cutting the umbilical cord. In a sense, the father is the first to deliver this feeling of separation. Better the father than a nurse/doctor I suppose. But at the same time, present day hospitals usually puts the newborn infant on the mother's chest PRIOR TO the cutting of the cord. The connection, therefore, is never lost. Phew...
  • Illusion of intimacy - pornography and it's link to anxiety/tension and BABY'S RAGE!
  • Luk 9:62 Jesus said to him, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." -- Finally know what this means... hahaha

The speaker wasn't the most dynamic or exciting. Nor was she the funniest or entertaining. But God used her to do exactly what he intended for me to hear. Of which I am ever so thankful.

Mood: rooted

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