Monday, June 28, 2010

Too much Martha, not enough Mary..

Had a party at home today... and was too busy Martha-ing and not doing enough Mary-ing. Neglected some of my guests to a point where I only had a chance to say, "Hey!! You made it!!" and "Hey....thanks for coming."

Next time...we're either catering or doing it at a public venue.

Mood: exhausted

Friday, June 25, 2010


學期又完了... 又到時候同我地班學生渡別.

今屆班學生好特別, 可能是因為爸父的安排, 之前transfer students 幾乎全是男仔. 今次是清一式女學生! 仲記得第一晚Home Group,我花左九牛二虎ge精力去get to know them,果晚因疲勞過度而頭痛.

眨下眼又兩年. 她們在灣區最後一晚 ...可以選擇去同其他朋友wet。 但佢地選擇返Home Group。 真的很榮幸和感動。

我已大過仔啦, 唔會咁易流淚. 因為我已學識逃避. 在對方未同我講byebye前, 話要先走, 就可以避過尷尬場面.

我會好唔捨得妳地... 祝福妳地每一個都展翅高飛, 多作主工.

Mood: melancholic

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We are Californians afterall...

It's our beloved daughter's 1st birthday...but instead of a birthday cake, mommy buys Nui-nui a BLUEBERRY BRAN MUFFIN!?!?!??!

Mood: shellshocked

Friday, June 11, 2010

"AHA!" Moment

Had an "Aha!" moment while driving home today...

For no apparent reason, I was thinking of the scene in "Shawshank Redemption" where they were separating books in the library.

One of guys read outloud..."The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumb-a$$."

Andy calmly says, "It's Dumas (doo-mah). Classify it under fiction. You'll like it, it's about a prison break."

And Red quickly replies, "Then it should go under Instructional!"

After seeing Shawshank for at least 100 times... I finally, FINALLY, today of all days, found the connection with that book and Andy!! AHA!!!

Mood: AHA!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Talk the talk...

There are those who shy away from being accountable, there are those who publicly take the blame...and there are those who take the blame but really live up to the consequence.

Of the three, I most despise the 2nd ones. Those are the people who someone get the glory for being "honest" and "never shy to admit mistake" but hardly do they ever get called on the error. It's almost like they know the code - that those who admit to their errors in a public forum will bring them glory. But do they ever suffer the consequence?

A buddy of mine recently really talked the talk...and walked the walk. He stood up...took the blame for his entire department's recent debaucle. And just the other date, he found his own position in the internal job posting. So much for loyalty...

Mood: amazed

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Stuff it, Spew it, or Study it....?

What pushes your buttons? Social injustice? Poverty? Ethnic cleansing?

How about someone making a right turn out of a driveway or red light while you're about to plow into them... and after they turn... they make zero effort to speed up. By the fact that they're "on the road..." the road is theirs.

Ever happen to you? First of all... it's dangerous. Second of all... it's illegal. Thirdly... it's inconsiderate. And lastly... it pushes MY BUTTONS!!!!

What would you do? Stuff your anger? Spew your frustration? Or ask yourself... "Why am I even angry??"

My initial reaction to almost getting into an accident... "WHAT DA.....!?!?"

Mood: irate

Saturday, June 05, 2010


Just spent 2 hours ironing my clothes... why do I have so many clothes that need ironing?

Mood: spent

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


We're 50 games into the season and I've yet to write an entry about my Giants... may this be the first one.

Tuesday night, we took Nui-nui to her first Giants game. She thoroughly enjoyed it!! As did Bah-bee and Mah-mee. Nui-nui got to experience her first public display of "Y-M-C-A" and also learned to "Booooo" someone for no apparent reason.
San Jose Giants -- the closest thing I'll ever taste of winning a championship - 2009 California League Champs!!

Family portrait by the BBQ Pit with the sun setting in the horizon.

Infamous BBQ Ribs and Tri-tip at San Jose Muni!!!

Oh...the tickets were free. Best things in life are free... y'know... like salvation? I think we're gonna go again.

Mood: relaxed