Tuesday, June 01, 2010


We're 50 games into the season and I've yet to write an entry about my Giants... may this be the first one.

Tuesday night, we took Nui-nui to her first Giants game. She thoroughly enjoyed it!! As did Bah-bee and Mah-mee. Nui-nui got to experience her first public display of "Y-M-C-A" and also learned to "Booooo" someone for no apparent reason.
San Jose Giants -- the closest thing I'll ever taste of winning a championship - 2009 California League Champs!!

Family portrait by the BBQ Pit with the sun setting in the horizon.

Infamous BBQ Ribs and Tri-tip at San Jose Muni!!!

Oh...the tickets were free. Best things in life are free... y'know... like salvation? I think we're gonna go again.

Mood: relaxed

1 comment:

Anderson said...

The total amount you spent including food, tickets, and parking is probably not even half of what Gonzales spends on his ATT meal!