Friday, June 25, 2010


學期又完了... 又到時候同我地班學生渡別.

今屆班學生好特別, 可能是因為爸父的安排, 之前transfer students 幾乎全是男仔. 今次是清一式女學生! 仲記得第一晚Home Group,我花左九牛二虎ge精力去get to know them,果晚因疲勞過度而頭痛.

眨下眼又兩年. 她們在灣區最後一晚 ...可以選擇去同其他朋友wet。 但佢地選擇返Home Group。 真的很榮幸和感動。

我已大過仔啦, 唔會咁易流淚. 因為我已學識逃避. 在對方未同我講byebye前, 話要先走, 就可以避過尷尬場面.

我會好唔捨得妳地... 祝福妳地每一個都展翅高飛, 多作主工.

Mood: melancholic

1 comment:

Joey said...

they are so small and 6 of them can fit on the sofa.... we should test them and see if they can still do the same thing after 2 years... :P