Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Training: T-minus 5 days

Holy crud.... at the Missions Conference the other day our speaker preached from Hebrews 10:36, "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." 

And it made me realized that the half-marathon is this Sunday!! 

That two week layoff wreaked havoc on my training regime.  I forced myself to push 4 miles on Sunday... and then 5 miles yesterday.  And boy am I sore.  How am I possibly going to finish 13.1?????

Will try to push for 10 miles tomorrow.  Will I make it???? Should I even try... or just rest up?? Argggh....

Mood: worried

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Not milestones...but nui-lestones. 
Been so selfish recently...all the posts have been about myself.  What about the apple in my eye?? Ohhhhhhh...so what's been happening.

-Towards the end of August, Nui-nui took her first step.  It was one of the hottest day of the year and she walked to try to grab mommy's Iced Mocha.  That's my girl...

-We took her to the beach and she felt sand for the first time.  Hated it...then loved it... then hated leaving it. HA!!

-Gave her a bubble bath.  She spent the entire time look at the bubbles on her hand frowning...worrying that she's melting.

-She feeds herself in the morning!! I pour her a bowl of cereal... say grace...then let her alone.  Gives me time to pack lunch and get ready.  Every now and then... the kitchen floor will be covered with Cheerios.  But that comes with the job I guess.


- Which means...we can no longer feed her to sleep.  Have to put her down now. Ugh.... she's like her old man...doesn't fall asleep easily.  Likes being patted on her tummy and chest.  She can be half-asleep and if I stop patting her... she'll instinctively grab my thumb, bring it to her tummy, and restarting the patting motion.  Awwww... I know.

-Got roseola - little rashes all over her body with a fever.  Kinda like chicken pox but not itchy.  Sigh...those were tough days for us.

-Can start singing along with "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

-Obsessed with saying the word "BOO!!"

-Moving onto a size 4 diaper

-Favorite part about brushing her teeth is brushing her tongue.  Before we even start brushing...she's sticking her tongue out already.

-Watched an entire 49ers game with daddy despite us not letting her watch TV before she's 2.  There are exceptions, I guess.

-Enough hair in the back of her head for combing.  Still lacking in the front.

-Speaks full sentences now.  We just can't understand her, that's all....

More nui-lestones to come.

Mood: thankful

Friday, September 17, 2010

5-Year Anniversary

Has it been 5 years already? It has.... wow. 

2005 - "I do..."
2006 - Backpack in Europe
2007 - 兩個都病左.  Called in sick and stayed at home.
2008 - forgot lu...
2009 - Nui-nui 3 month old birthday - dinner at Maggiano's
2010 - weekend getaway at Sacramento

Met up with good friends Greg and Holly and baby Elisa.  Had a spectacular dinner and wonderful company. 

Drove to Old Sacramento... circled the streets for 5 minutes... then left and never looked back.  Not much into California history.  Paid $0.75 to park by the State Capitol for 30 minutes... took some pictures cuz we figured we paid for parking already.  Then went to downtown Westfield thinking we can relax at the mall for a bit.  Paid $2.50 for parking!!! And the mall is worse than Stonestown in SF!!! WHAT A RIP OFF!!!!

Highlight of the trip was taking Nui-nui swimming for the first time at the hotel pool. 
We bought her a little bathing suit and a floatation device.  Poor daddy - forgot to bring the handpump and had to blow the thing up himself. =(  Nui nui was initially scared, in shock, both.  But soon after... she loved being dragged around weightlessly around the water. 

Looking forward to another 5 year... and another...and another.... until we rack up so many 5 years, we can exchange it for a bigger prize. 

Sometimes, I ask God, what did I ever do to deserve such a wonderful wife and the perfect daughter.  And His answer... "You didn't have to do anything.  You're my son. It's that simple"

Mood: blessed

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Training: Back on the proverbial wagon...

Stoopid cold knocked me out for an entire week... so I missed a week's worth of training.  Sunday morning, I forced myself to trudge through a 2 mile run.  Ugh... the 2 miles felt like 20!! 

Tonight... I tried to get back on schedule.  But I got home late.  Made dinner late.  Fed Nui-nui late.  And I had a million and one excuses to "rest" another night.  Boy was the inertia immense!  But thankfully, Nui-nui's roseola is subsiding.  She slept with not fighting and by 9PM, I was out trotting with the wind. 

6 miles later... barely even winded! Easily could've done another 2-3 miles.  But let's take it one step at a time.

Doesn't this sound like your typical spiritual walk (or run?)  You're going steadily for a few weeks or a few months.  Then all of a sudden BOOM!!, you get side tracked.  You get sick... or OT...  or biz-trip... or  you have a kid...or two...  or friends from outta town.  And your rhythm gets out of whack.

Just when you think it's time to "rest" another day.... why you don't you make a commitment to the Lord and say, "Jesus... I want to start running with you again."  It won't be easy but before you know it... you'll be back on that proverbial wagon.

Mood: half-accomplished

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Romantic Getaway

Both Joyce and I called in sick today. That's what happens when your kid goes to daycare with those other "germbags."  It'll hit you hard... and it'll come back for more.

We slept literally the entire day! With a minor break for lunch.  Joyce had some instant korean noodles and I clearned out all the old leftovers in the fridge.  Right in the middle of our sorry-a$$ lunch... I leaned over and whispered... "Isn't this romantic?" And she glanced at me and smiled.... 

Mood: lovey-dovey

Monday, September 06, 2010

Ohhhh I hate the Giants...

As we're driving towards the Louie's and heard that we're 1/2 game back... I start thinking of how I'm going to celebrate winning the World Series. 
Once again...they're giving me hope that they'll actually win it.
I really hate the Giants sometimes... really really do.

Mood: hopeful

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Training: At least I finished...

Climbed to the next milestone of 11 miles.  Didn't actually make it to 10 miles last week, but I thought it was a fluke.  So I went to get a fanny pack to hold a bottle of water and I wore my sweat wicking shirt.  Can't fail now...right?

Then around mile 9, I realized I wasn't even running anymore but was walking like a penguin.  Didn't run the entire 11...but at least I finished. 

Gonna start some crosstraining starting this week.  My buddy who's a track coach said try running up some hills.  Hrm...where do I find hills in San Jose?!?! 

Mood: defeated

Thursday, September 02, 2010

big head shrimp

So last night I was slicing up some chicken breast and marinating it.  Two breasts per pack of Costco Organic Chicken.  Diced up the first breast... put it on a plate... marinate.  Start dicing up the second breast... put it on a plate.  I go tend to Nui-nui for just a second, maybe two.  Come back and marinate the chicken. 

I put one plate in the fridge and use the other plate to make dinner.  Everything smells great!  I take a bite of the chicken and it's bland as bland can be.  Sigh... and the other plate of chicken sits in the fridge doubly marinated. 

Mood: 無奈