Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Training: Back on the proverbial wagon...

Stoopid cold knocked me out for an entire week... so I missed a week's worth of training.  Sunday morning, I forced myself to trudge through a 2 mile run.  Ugh... the 2 miles felt like 20!! 

Tonight... I tried to get back on schedule.  But I got home late.  Made dinner late.  Fed Nui-nui late.  And I had a million and one excuses to "rest" another night.  Boy was the inertia immense!  But thankfully, Nui-nui's roseola is subsiding.  She slept with not fighting and by 9PM, I was out trotting with the wind. 

6 miles later... barely even winded! Easily could've done another 2-3 miles.  But let's take it one step at a time.

Doesn't this sound like your typical spiritual walk (or run?)  You're going steadily for a few weeks or a few months.  Then all of a sudden BOOM!!, you get side tracked.  You get sick... or OT...  or biz-trip... or  you have a kid...or two...  or friends from outta town.  And your rhythm gets out of whack.

Just when you think it's time to "rest" another day.... why you don't you make a commitment to the Lord and say, "Jesus... I want to start running with you again."  It won't be easy but before you know it... you'll be back on that proverbial wagon.

Mood: half-accomplished

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