Monday, February 28, 2011

The problem is... there are no problems.

Had a strong conviction the other day that the biggest problem with church nowadays (and particular my church) is that everyone there is too "perfect." Church oughta be filled with prostitutes... single moms or single dads... criminals out on parole... recovering drug addicts... etc...

If anyone of the aforementioned people were to walk into our church...they would immediately turn around and leave cuz they will feel exactly what society wants them to feel... like outcasts. It's no wonder why people like visiting our church, but choose not to stay.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

All in a day's work...

Got a request from the VP of Engineering to take a trip out to Philly right away.  I can never sleep on the first night of East Coast trip anyways... so I flew red-eye. 

Originally I was set to fly back Sunday morning.  But we finished our work by 3PM.. so we quickly made arrangements to fly out of Philly at 6PM.  Landed at SFO at 9:15PM PST.

In summary...
Depart SFO - 10PM PST
Land PHL - 5AM EST
Depart PHL - 6PM EST
Land SFO - 9PM PST

All in a day's work...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Famous dinners

Not since this dinner... has any dinner generated this much buzz.

President Obama had dinner with a bunch of Tech/Business honchos last night...

Here's the guest list...
  • John Doerr, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
  • Carol Bartz, President and CEO, Yahoo Inc.
  • John Chambers, Chairman and CEO, Cisco Systems Inc.
  • Marissa Mayer, Google VP
  • Dick Costolo, CEO, Twitter Inc.
  • Larry Ellison, Co-Founder and CEO, Oracle Corp.
  • Reed Hastings, CEO, Netflix Inc.
  • John Hennessy, President, Stanford University
  • Steve Jobs, Chairman and CEO, Apple Inc.
  • Art Levinson, Chairman and former CEO, Genentech Inc.
  • Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO, Google Inc.
  • Steve Westly, Managing Partner and Founder, The Westly Group
  • Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO, Facebook Inc.
Who's missing from this list....? Intel? HP? IBM? Hank?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Forgetting my roots...

Recent events have transpired at Day Care that's led us to start looking for alternatives.  You never want to be the frog at the bottom of the well. 

And as we're touring all the typical daycares... I'm astounded by how picky I've become. 
The place can't be too small.  Nui-nui has to run around. 
The teacher can't have a heavy accent.  Nui-nui needs to learn straight English. 
The gender balance of the kids need to be 50/50.  Nui-nui needs both boy and girl friends.
The place needs to be clean.  If I'm paying $1400/mo, it better be a palace!
The place should have a balance of races. Nui-nui shouldn't only have Chinese / Indian friends.

Since when did I become an elitest? Am I that much above everyone else that I can point out everyone's mistakes?  Didn't I grow up in those environments? Did I turn out that bad? 

After a few weeks of researching... we realize that the current Day Care place is actually pretty good... all things considered.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Happy Nui Year!!

So Nui-nui recently reached another nui-stone, or stones, I should say.

She can now count to "10" in English. And can almost count to "10" in Chinese... leaving out a number here or there.   Big deal... name one kid who can't do that once they're in pre-school.  But this is MY daughter.... and if I say she rocks...she rocks! 

More excitingly... she added another word to her vocabulary! The word... "good." 
The other day... I made her some noodles and when she sampled it... she looked at me, smiled and said, "good!"  Then that night... I made her some soup.  I put it in her little cup.  She took a sip, smiled and said, "good!"   And on the 7th day... her father rested.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Thank you Dunder Mifflin

Nui nui has a cold for some reason... And the whole family suffers. Thank goodness for Hulu and the semi-watchable episodes of The Office. Ricky Gervais cameo! Please don't replace Carrell with him... I don't understand his accent.

Sooooo sleepy.... I guess this is training for Bebe...