Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Forgetting my roots...

Recent events have transpired at Day Care that's led us to start looking for alternatives.  You never want to be the frog at the bottom of the well. 

And as we're touring all the typical daycares... I'm astounded by how picky I've become. 
The place can't be too small.  Nui-nui has to run around. 
The teacher can't have a heavy accent.  Nui-nui needs to learn straight English. 
The gender balance of the kids need to be 50/50.  Nui-nui needs both boy and girl friends.
The place needs to be clean.  If I'm paying $1400/mo, it better be a palace!
The place should have a balance of races. Nui-nui shouldn't only have Chinese / Indian friends.

Since when did I become an elitest? Am I that much above everyone else that I can point out everyone's mistakes?  Didn't I grow up in those environments? Did I turn out that bad? 

After a few weeks of researching... we realize that the current Day Care place is actually pretty good... all things considered.

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