Friday, April 29, 2011

To be a be a father...

Dear fathers... I know you always look forward to those annual events. Valentine's Day.  Birthday. Wedding Anniversary.  Dating Anniversary. Christmas.   And then now...there's Mother's Day!

Not that I'm complaining, oh no... just stating the fact. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Return of the Bathroom Jabbers - Fish out of the water

Months of hard work in potty training.. Nui-nui is finally starting to tell us when she needs to go pee pee.  And with Joyce being unable to bend down to help... Nui-nui defaults to having to use....oh yes.... the men's room.  (Ewwwwww....)

First of all.... yes.  Men's room are digusting. Even men will tend to avoid using the men's room if possible.  I'll save that for another post. 

Nui-nui is 22 months.  She's young and naive, but she's not stupid.  Immediately after seeing the men's stall... it cuts off one's desire to empty out.  So poor dad has to go through the entire ritual of sanitizing the entire toilet. 

After a few minutes of begging.... she finally pees.  As she slides off the toilet seat onto the floor, I suddenly realize that it's an automatic flush toilet.  She instinctively starts walking away, but poor me, I'm still crouching by the toilet and as the water flushes... SPLASH!.... right onto my face. 

I'll leave this part short.... cuz it really is too hard to verbalize.  I've done my part in changing Nui-nui's diapers with her lying down.  But to this day, I still have no clue how a girl wipes.  I grab a big wad of TP and go through the motions.  She doesn't know any better...right?

Then there's the inevitable putting back ON the diaper.  Nui-nui is barely two feet tall, which means I have to crouch down.  After crouching down for a few minutes to coax her to pee.... and now having to struggle to put the diaper back on.... my legs get tired.  And as gravity takes over.... my knee slowly collapses and I go from a crouch, to one knee down. And within seconds.... my knee feels moist.  Goodness......  I forget it's the men's room.

Ahhh....fatherhood.  It's not just the fish that's out of the water....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Chinese Theater

Caught the last part of a KCSM documentary on Chinese American filmmakers and it ended with a 2 minute montage of the Chinese theaters in San Francisco Chinatown.

The Chinese theater is definitely a lost art... a lost piece of culture. 

I still remember growing up in San Francisco that had 5 Chinese Theaters.  My earliest, earliest memory of watching a Chinese movie was watching a black and white movie of the Monkey King at 華星 on Jackson Street.  And kung-fu films which has gone from a comedic parody to a cultural phenomenon. 

There were the glass display cases that had a dozen pictures of the each film.  I can still see myself waiting for dad to buy the tickets while big brother and I studied those pictures, trying to guess what the movie was about.  But the pictures meant absolutely nothing.  Then we go in... and about 4 hours later, we come out and amazingly what was foreign before seems to have been completely re-decorated.  Those pictures now tell exactly what the movie is about. The scene before and the scene after.

There was Golden Pagoda Theater (金都).  .  It was on my way to school so I would purposely stop by and observe the glass cases if I had time.  It was my favorite among the 5 because Golden Pagoda, unlike World (世界) and Great Star(大明星), had a bigger display case that displayed multiple movies.  It was watching the movie...without having to pay.

There were those special days when dad would pick us up from Sts. Peter and Paul and take us to dinner.  We knew those were the special days because we knew that after an early dinner, we were going to watch a movie.  And more importantly, it meant not having to go to Chinese School.  Of course...the next day, dad would have two envelopes on the kitchen table ready for us to take to school -- those were our "excuse letters."  I always wondered what dad wrote in those letters -- and I'm always down-trodden that I can never ever come close to writing one of those letters.

Special, maybe to San Francisco Chinese Theaters, they were always double features.  The new release  was coupled with an older, semi-popular film.  Two instances stand out.  The first one was watching the long awaited 八星報喜, but only to find the accompanying feature more enjoyable.  That accompanying feature - 精裝追女仔.  And there was the other time when 阿修羅 was paired with 奇績.  Two white guys came in there to watch a Jackie Chan movie. When 奇績 was over...they clapped, got up and were about to leave. But they saw that no one else was leaving... so they sat down and was going to watch it again.  Only to find there was the feature was coming up.

Partially melancholic too... because it stirred up memories of those awkward years in my life when I didn't have any friends.  Those times when I went to watch movies by myself.  I can't blame anyone. I was too poor to hang out with English school friends.  Too much of a goody two shoes to hang out with Chinese School friends.  And too much of a little brother to hang out with big brother and his friends.  I've come a long way since... I guess.

Then around the mid 90's, slowly, one by one they closed down.  First the Golden Pagoda.  Then Great Star.  Then World Theater.  I've actually been in Great Star theater twice since it closed.  Both times to watch Cantonese Opera with my mom. 

One can say the theaters are haunted...cuz indeed, there are nothing but the ghosts of the past in these auditoriums of cinema.  But in reality...all is lost.  A piece of my culture...a piece of my childhood... a piece of me.  Gone.... and there's absolute nothing but an empty building today.  And I guess an occasion public television documentary.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Till death do us part...

Been getting a lot of marketing phone calls on my cell. I know it's marketing because I looked up that number online. Today... I caved and actually answered the phone.

Marketer: May I speak with Maria XXXXX.
Me: uh... She's passed on.
Marketer: (awkward silence) Is there a spouse I may speak with?
Me: There isn't one.
Marketer: (more silence) I understand.
Me: Thank you for understanding.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

There's no place like home.. or cell..

Home Group / Cell Group - "The home/cell group is a form of church organization that is used in some Christian churches. Cell groups are generally intended to teach the Bible and personalize Christian fellowship" --Wikipedia

We began our life in a Home Group setting back in 2004.  In roughly 2007, we went from home group members to home group leaders.  And for the past several years, we've serving alongside our parents whether it's cooking, leading a study, mentoring, discipling or the basic, but laborious, administrative duties. 

This past weekend, we dared to invite ourselves to Elder J and C's house for fellowship.  And for the first time in a very long time...we felt "taken care of."  For one night... along with the other Edenites, we had someone cook for us.  We had someone lead us in a study and sharing.  We received  impartation and blessings. be home.  A wonderful night it was.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

A little advice from little ol' me...

Had a mini-career panel this morning... and as the words came out of my mouth, it finally struck me that I've been with my company for 9 years already.  9 flippin' years. Eons for most other folks in my field.  Along the way... I've picked up a few tidbits.

1) Never turn down a breath mint. - I guess this is not a career advice... but life in general.
2) Keep your resume updated. - You never know when you'll need it.  But better yet... you never know when someone needs it.  Better even yet... you need to know what's on it.  Sharpen up your resume... make sure you know your skills and fill those deficits.
3) Lastly (for today...) = networking.  Personally... I hate networking. Find it absolutely draining.  Find it absolutely anti-me.  I'm an introvert.  I like being an introvert. I hate talking to people.  I avoid it as much as I can.  But as the old saying goes... "A man in the pond or lake... the body is not up to you." 

Networking.  Two months ago... we had an engagement where I literally sat next to my own VP during dinner.  Was pretty much forced to talk to her that night.  And guess what...two months later... my career panel as in front of her. "I know you!!" the VP said.  Wonder where this will lead me.

Networking.  At the same engagement, there was another VP that sat at another table.  He was in the audience when I gave my speech and two months later... he remembered my name, dug up my bio... and called me for an "opportunity."

Networking.  It's what we did when we were 10.  We found a bunch of friends we barely knew...who all bought different Nintendo games and we ended up swapping them so that everyone gets to "flip" a different game. 

See how the last one... as pure as it can be... has the hidden message of selfishness, greediness and even narcissim?   But regardless of how I personally view Networking.... it sure as heck works.  And I've fallen into the arena of being a networkee.

Sometimes... I look in the mirror and I don't even know who I am anymore.........................

Sunday, April 03, 2011

re: Sometimes you just can't win

Yes - the Giants lost 3 out of 4 to those hated Dodgers.  But this post is an apologetic post more than anything. 

A few weeks ago... I complained that the rate of TP usage has gone up just as Nui-nui's diaper usage has gone down.  So I indirectly accused the little one.

Today, it dawned on me that the REAL culprit isn't innocent little Nui-nui.... but in fact, Nui-nui's little brother, pressing on mommy's bladder all the time! 

Sorry kiddo... life is full of injustice.  And it all begins at home. =)