Tuesday, April 05, 2011

A little advice from little ol' me...

Had a mini-career panel this morning... and as the words came out of my mouth, it finally struck me that I've been with my company for 9 years already.  9 flippin' years. Eons for most other folks in my field.  Along the way... I've picked up a few tidbits.

1) Never turn down a breath mint. - I guess this is not a career advice... but life in general.
2) Keep your resume updated. - You never know when you'll need it.  But better yet... you never know when someone needs it.  Better even yet... you need to know what's on it.  Sharpen up your resume... make sure you know your skills and fill those deficits.
3) Lastly (for today...) = networking.  Personally... I hate networking. Find it absolutely draining.  Find it absolutely anti-me.  I'm an introvert.  I like being an introvert. I hate talking to people.  I avoid it as much as I can.  But as the old saying goes... "A man in the pond or lake... the body is not up to you." 

Networking.  Two months ago... we had an engagement where I literally sat next to my own VP during dinner.  Was pretty much forced to talk to her that night.  And guess what...two months later... my career panel as in front of her. "I know you!!" the VP said.  Wonder where this will lead me.

Networking.  At the same engagement, there was another VP that sat at another table.  He was in the audience when I gave my speech and two months later... he remembered my name, dug up my bio... and called me for an "opportunity."

Networking.  It's what we did when we were 10.  We found a bunch of friends we barely knew...who all bought different Nintendo games and we ended up swapping them so that everyone gets to "flip" a different game. 

See how the last one... as pure as it can be... has the hidden message of selfishness, greediness and even narcissim?   But regardless of how I personally view Networking.... it sure as heck works.  And I've fallen into the arena of being a networkee.

Sometimes... I look in the mirror and I don't even know who I am anymore.........................

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