Monday, April 25, 2011

Return of the Bathroom Jabbers - Fish out of the water

Months of hard work in potty training.. Nui-nui is finally starting to tell us when she needs to go pee pee.  And with Joyce being unable to bend down to help... Nui-nui defaults to having to use....oh yes.... the men's room.  (Ewwwwww....)

First of all.... yes.  Men's room are digusting. Even men will tend to avoid using the men's room if possible.  I'll save that for another post. 

Nui-nui is 22 months.  She's young and naive, but she's not stupid.  Immediately after seeing the men's stall... it cuts off one's desire to empty out.  So poor dad has to go through the entire ritual of sanitizing the entire toilet. 

After a few minutes of begging.... she finally pees.  As she slides off the toilet seat onto the floor, I suddenly realize that it's an automatic flush toilet.  She instinctively starts walking away, but poor me, I'm still crouching by the toilet and as the water flushes... SPLASH!.... right onto my face. 

I'll leave this part short.... cuz it really is too hard to verbalize.  I've done my part in changing Nui-nui's diapers with her lying down.  But to this day, I still have no clue how a girl wipes.  I grab a big wad of TP and go through the motions.  She doesn't know any better...right?

Then there's the inevitable putting back ON the diaper.  Nui-nui is barely two feet tall, which means I have to crouch down.  After crouching down for a few minutes to coax her to pee.... and now having to struggle to put the diaper back on.... my legs get tired.  And as gravity takes over.... my knee slowly collapses and I go from a crouch, to one knee down. And within seconds.... my knee feels moist.  Goodness......  I forget it's the men's room.

Ahhh....fatherhood.  It's not just the fish that's out of the water....

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