Saturday, May 28, 2011

葉問, 詠春, 與中華

In an extra-ordinary night, I was able to watch a Hong Kong movie - Ip Man (一代宗師, 葉問). 葉問's story is based in the 1930's - around the time Japan invaded and occupied China.  And tho the movie itself was unimpressive and left a lot to be desired... the historical signifcance served as the main plot and main character of the film. 

As far as I can remember, I was educated about the horrids and reality of war through stories from dad or from TV shows.  Movies try to serve it justice...but it never does.  Whether it's Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, Fist of Fury, any Chuck Norris flick.... they all bring a piece of what China had to go through during those decades of international occupation. 

And as the credits started rolling... two distinct feeling were clearly evoked.  Best summarized by the scene in Jurassic Park where a cup of water starts shaking with concentric circles... only to be followed by the T-Rex. 

The first of the two feeling is fear.... not fear of war per se... cuz in reality we're living in a time of domestic tranquilty.  But a fear of the second feeling...a far more powerful feeling... that is the feeling of hate.

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