Sunday, May 08, 2011

A time to be born and a time to die

Not more than a week after the birth of my son...I attend the memorial of a friend's son.  He was around 16 years young.

The last memorial service I attended was about 10 years ago.  But that was for an elderly man.. someone who's lived life to his fullest. He fathered 4 children and was grandfather to many more... one whom became my wife.  This time, it was a kid.

There was a short slide show montage showing some of his pictures.  Not a lot of pictures...but there was one thing constant in all of them... his smile. 

His aunt gave a eulogy.  It ended with smiles.  The pastor used Psalm 23 to deliver the message.  It ended with hope.  His father came out in closing. It ended with gratitude. 

One can easily ask... why.  Why at such a young age when the world is his oyster? Is it fair? Is it premature? Those questions are left for contemplating... no one talks about these things.  Weird, huh?

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