Sunday, June 19, 2011

Another playground bully

Ran into another bully today at the park.

And this time, the boy's dad and I were standing no more than 3 feet away from our kids.  The first time, he started throwing those little pieces of bark at Nui-nui.  He then walked around and pointed his finger on Nui-nui's cheeks. 

Perspective A: He was being friendly and those were signs of platonic engagement
Perspective B: He was being hostile and was showing signs of dominance

Like last time, I didn't want to deal with this.... so we went of to play something else.  Moments later... the little twerp came trotting over; he removes his hat... and flings it at Nui-nui.  I had enough... I simply said, "Ok...we're outta here."  Grabbed Nui-nui and left.

The little runt's dad apologized and said, "we're out of here too." 

Next time this happens.... I won't be so kind.  Nui-nui needs to learn that her dad will defend her and she will find protection with me. 

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