Thursday, June 30, 2011

Letting kids watch TV?

We're one of those parents... those parents who are adament about not letting our kid (singular) watch TV. For many reasons. The easy ones to explain are TV only shows garbage these days. There's the theory that kids under 2 shouldn't watch TV cuz the motion actually hurts their frontal lobes. I personally think that parents who let their kids watch TV are too lazy (or busy) and need a means to keep them occupied.

So Nui-nui has been fairly protected from TV and the likes. With the few exceptions of the Giants World Series run, the Niners and Sharks...and occasional Elmo Youtube videos, we've been consistent with
our principles. Recently.. we purchased a set of Children Worship DVD's and Nui-nui's been enamored. And now I find myself stuck in my own accusations.

I do want to emerse her in praise and worship at a young age... but how often have I put on the DVD... just so I can check my email or go start dinner?

Parenting is full of compromise and decision making. Did I take the high road or the easy road in the name of raising a "Christian family?"

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