Sunday, September 25, 2011

Not quite perfect.... but who is?

Jackie Evancho, an 11-year old soprano prodigy has an angelic voice. But when performing the Broadway masterpiece and one my all time person favorites, "All I Ask of You..." it just doesn't even come close to Sarah Brightman.  Regardless of how well of a singer she is... she's still too young and raw to add "soul" into the song.  How can an 11 year old possibly be capable of knowing what it feels like to fall in love? 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wins and Woes of Potty Training

Potty Training...or potty learning as some post modernists like to call it... brings highs and lows much like the iambic pentameter prose of a neoclassic poet.

One diaper a day - that just drives my cost waaaaaaaaaaaaay down.  WIN!!!!  But as Sheryl Crowe said so infamously... "every high...every low."  And it sure gets lower than low sometimes. 

Most notably... when Nui-nui screams "Poo-poo!! Poo-poo!"  You carry her....race her to the bathroom... pull down her pants and panties and out rolls a tennis ball sized, brown play-doh!!  Do you laugh? Do you frown?

How about the time my car breaks down in Millbrae after a nice 2 hour dinner.  I an hour for AAA to come.  They spend an hour trying to jump start my car and then end up towing it.  Another hour to tow the car back into San Jose.  All this time.... Nui-nui opens up the floodgates and there was nothing I could do.

It's highly discouraged to yell at the kid....cuz afterall, they're a kid.  But then again... without giving some sort of reprimand, how would they know right from wrong? 

Such it is....

Saturday, September 17, 2011

6 year anniversary

2005 - "I do..."

2006 - Backpack in Europe
2007 - 兩個都病左. Called in sick and stayed at home.
2008 - forgot lu...
2009 - Nui-nui 3 month old birthday - dinner at Maggiano's
2010 - weekend getaway at Sacramento
2011 - Dropped the kids off with Eden Fellowship and off to LB Steakhouse at Santana Row. 

Service was very good! Steak was above average at best.  But the conversation during dinner... that was the best part of the night.  We talked about child-raising (surprise, surprise)... shared our 5 year plan... (vacation, remodeling, promotion) and lastly... shared the most exciting, most memorable, most unforgettable moment of the past 5 years.

And with tears in my eyes as I am typing these words.... the most memorable moment has got to be the night we found out God blessed us with Nui-nui.  (But 11/1/2010 - Giants win the World Series comes in a close second!)

Many more years to come....

Friday, September 16, 2011


"今天公司宣布了雅虎 Superstar 得獎明單。我僥倖被選中榮獲這個公司的最高榮譽。

有耕耘,有收獲 -- 這獎項我受之無愧。"

So proud of him...

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Been slammed with an immense wave of loneliness lately. Hard to articulate.  Harder to mitigate. How I long to have someone who understands when I don't even understand myself.  Maybe it's stress from work.  Maybe it's the pressure of raising a family in the midst of a recession.  Maybe it's a sudden stagnation in my spiritual life.  Maybe it's a little bit of everything. Maybe it's a lot of nothing.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Prudent in Spending

Insurance is one of those things in life that you never want to buy... never want to use... but you're glad you have it when you need it.  Last year... after Bebe was born, we upgraded our AAA membership from Standard to Elite.  Aside from other perks... the biggest usage was the towing capacity goes from 10 miles to 100 miles.  And boy did it come in handy last night.

Our car broke down in Millbrae - for no apparent reason.  I called AAA to jump start it...thinking I may have left the door ajar and the little dome light drained by battery.  They came after 40 minutes and couldn't jump start the car.  So I had the guy tow our little Civic (which is suppose to reliable, right?) to our house!  That's a good 30-35 minutes away. 

We even had to put Nui-nui's car seat in the front of the truck with us.  Geez louise...  Thank goondess everything went as smooth as it did.