Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wins and Woes of Potty Training

Potty Training...or potty learning as some post modernists like to call it... brings highs and lows much like the iambic pentameter prose of a neoclassic poet.

One diaper a day - that just drives my cost waaaaaaaaaaaaay down.  WIN!!!!  But as Sheryl Crowe said so infamously... "every high...every low."  And it sure gets lower than low sometimes. 

Most notably... when Nui-nui screams "Poo-poo!! Poo-poo!"  You carry her....race her to the bathroom... pull down her pants and panties and out rolls a tennis ball sized, brown play-doh!!  Do you laugh? Do you frown?

How about the time my car breaks down in Millbrae after a nice 2 hour dinner.  I an hour for AAA to come.  They spend an hour trying to jump start my car and then end up towing it.  Another hour to tow the car back into San Jose.  All this time.... Nui-nui opens up the floodgates and there was nothing I could do.

It's highly discouraged to yell at the kid....cuz afterall, they're a kid.  But then again... without giving some sort of reprimand, how would they know right from wrong? 

Such it is....

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