Saturday, September 10, 2011

Prudent in Spending

Insurance is one of those things in life that you never want to buy... never want to use... but you're glad you have it when you need it.  Last year... after Bebe was born, we upgraded our AAA membership from Standard to Elite.  Aside from other perks... the biggest usage was the towing capacity goes from 10 miles to 100 miles.  And boy did it come in handy last night.

Our car broke down in Millbrae - for no apparent reason.  I called AAA to jump start it...thinking I may have left the door ajar and the little dome light drained by battery.  They came after 40 minutes and couldn't jump start the car.  So I had the guy tow our little Civic (which is suppose to reliable, right?) to our house!  That's a good 30-35 minutes away. 

We even had to put Nui-nui's car seat in the front of the truck with us.  Geez louise...  Thank goondess everything went as smooth as it did. 

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