Monday, October 29, 2012


One word...Champions.  Second time in three years.

Two years ago... my Giants did the unthinkable by capture their first World Series in San Francisco history.  I was ready to give up two years ago. I couldn't care less if the Giants end up in a perpetual state of disaster... so long as they had the one championship.  And now, we have 2.

A lot has changed during the past two years.  But a lot has stayed the same.  Didn't have the same feeling of torture...or the thrill of excitement.  Yet... I was still ticked off and scared whenever things didn't go our way.  I kept telling myself... "It's just a game.  You won already. Let it go."  Doesn't work that way.

BB wasn't born yet...the first time we won. He was in mommy's tummy.  But I really wanted him to be up and about.  He was in bed before the top of the 10th.

NN was there last year. For the NLCS Game 6 homer against Ryan Madson.  And the final strikeout of Nellie Cruz.  This time... she was more cognizant of what's going on.  I told her, "If Posey hits a Homerun here, you get to play with mommy's tiara."  Every time someone hit a flyball, she'll scream, "Homerun! Homerun!"

Throughout this postseason, I wanted to write and capture my thoughts.  No more than after going up 3-0 and wanting to title the post "On the verge..."  But as much as I'm a man of faith, I can't shake off the whole superstitious thing about counting my eggs before they're hatched.  Deep down... I knew that had we lost Game 4, we would face Verlander in Game 5.  That would mean we go back to SF.  And if we lost a close one in Game 6...momentum will NOT be on our side.  I knew all that.  Us...more than anyone, should know that up 2-0 or 3-1 doesn't mean you're going to win.  Look at the 2004 BoSox. 

We're no longer on the verge.  No.  We're past the verge.  We're champions.  Second time in two years. 

So many game thoughts....
  • Bochy using Timmy in Game 1 - being second guessed that he might be needed for Game 2.  But Madbum shut up all the critics by going 7
  • Madbum taking 10 days to correct a "mechancial error?"  Really?!
  • Romo taking over for Beard. For good, perhaps?
  • Bochy lining up two he can have his two best starters in Games 3 and 4 in Detroit.  Genius.
  • There had to be some torture to make this well worthed. (Game 4)
  • Good pitching always beats good hitting...except in the case of Bonds.
  • Oh btw... Bonds was no where to be found this time around.  Geez...
  • Theriot DH'ed for the clincher - genius once again.  Sanchez was overmatched in the biggest stage of his life.
  • Where was Xavier Nady?
  • A right-handed LF wouldn't have made those 3 amazing catches that White Shark made.
  • I truly thought we were gonna lose when Belt was caught stealing in Game 4....the breaks started going their way.
  • It's been almost 30 years since the Tigers have won one.... they must be starving.  But at least they have college football/hoops, the Pistons, and I guess the Lions.
  • What else does Posey need to add to his resume?
  • Payback to Leyland for '93 and Miggy Cab for 2003
  • I still would've wanted to play the Yankees.  Beating the Rangers and Tigers just doesn't have the same ring to it. 

And you know what? It just doesn't feel the same.... but it still feels awesome.

Friday, October 19, 2012

A tale of two movies...

I get on a United cross country flight... and one of the first things I habitually do is look at their Hemisphere magazine to see what movie will be shown. 

This time... I missed the Amazing Spider-Man by a day.  ONE LOUSY STINKEN DAY!!!

Instead, I get this gosh-knows what movie about two kids who run away... who end up making out (or more than that)... and is encouraged and shown as heroes.  I needed to burn away time...but not that way.

On the way back... it was some unknown story, unknown movie.  But I was drawn to it.  It made me laugh (Morgan Freeman tends to do that to folks like me).  It made me cry. (Morgan Freeman will also do that to you.)  It struck a chord.  There were things in there about marriage, about family, about chasing your dreams. 

Sigh.... two flights. two movies. two very different endings.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Another insomnia attack

It's 1130. Bedtime.
I'm fighting a cold. Rest time.
But I can't sleep. Too much on my mind.

Caught word that a parent of a childhood friend was found stabbed, beaten and murdered in her own house.  She was home alone.  Kids gone.  Husband out of town. Surreal.

Just read an article about a mom abusing her 5 year old. Gluing her to a wall... Then beating her and kicking her cuz she urinated on herself.  I'll never even come close to that type of abuse... but the thoughts and memories of me yelling at, punishing and scolding nn and bb suffocates me.  I couldn't help but walk over to them and kiss them while they're sleeping.... and apologizing. 

Tonight's bedtime story... nn picked it... was about a kid who stole.  And his mom didn't punish him...rather she encouraged him.  When the kid grew up to be a man... he was caught for stealing and was about to he hung.  His final wish to see his mom for one last time.  When she came, he started whispering.  The mom couldn't hear so she leaned closer...and the thief, now a grown man, bit her mom's ear real hard, saying, "This is your punishment for making me into who I am today." 

I haven't even typed a word of mom's situation.  And her it is... she's back in 3 days.  Now what?  3 days...and for the next how many years to come?

It's 1148.  Past my bedtime.
I'm still fighting that same cold.  Can't rest.
I can't sleep.  But I'm tired.  Sh*t.