Friday, October 19, 2012

A tale of two movies...

I get on a United cross country flight... and one of the first things I habitually do is look at their Hemisphere magazine to see what movie will be shown. 

This time... I missed the Amazing Spider-Man by a day.  ONE LOUSY STINKEN DAY!!!

Instead, I get this gosh-knows what movie about two kids who run away... who end up making out (or more than that)... and is encouraged and shown as heroes.  I needed to burn away time...but not that way.

On the way back... it was some unknown story, unknown movie.  But I was drawn to it.  It made me laugh (Morgan Freeman tends to do that to folks like me).  It made me cry. (Morgan Freeman will also do that to you.)  It struck a chord.  There were things in there about marriage, about family, about chasing your dreams. 

Sigh.... two flights. two movies. two very different endings.

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