Thursday, May 16, 2013

"There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things..."

"...isn't that kind of the point?"

After 9 years, the Office comes to an end. 

I remember hating the commericials for the show.  I thought the stars on the show were ugly.  The concept was stupid.  The setting was dumb. 

But a few years ago....when Nui-nui was first born... and we had Netflix and sleepless nights and days.... I decided to randomly give it a shot.  That got me hooked.  Then I caught the episodes of Pam and Jim's wedding.  Then it was over. I caught every sindicated show. I went online to watch every episode I can find.  (had to reformat a few laptops along the way... HA!!)

But I have to say...those final 3 seasons were hard to watch.  As Geoff would put it... "You'd watch it in hopes of catching that one funny moment." 

And in the wasn't the funny moments that you take away.  But the tears...tears of joy.  Tears of separation.  Tears that you will never be able to find those 9 years again. 

There was nothing special about the show, really.  But as Pam puts it in her final swan-line, "There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things...isn't that kind of the point?"

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