Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Annual collapse of the body...

Two years ago... Hand Foot Mouth.
Last year... return of Hand Foot Mouth.

This year... it was gonna hit sooner or later.  When Rachel came down with the flu two weeks ago, I was especially careful, taking extra precaution by taking Airborne, etc...

But starting last Thursday, I already felt it in throat.  Friday, I started coughing.  Saturday, the fever hit.  Sunday, it went to 100.  Monday went up to 104!!  I was so cold I was buried under a mountain of sheets, but at the same time, so hot I had two ice packs in my armpits.  Tuesday night... fever went down to a mild 102.  But my head was hurting so much I couldn't sleep a wink the entire night.  Wednesday comes around and I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't walk.... headache is still there.  I blame it on Caffeine withdrawal.... so I beg Joyce to go grab me a cup of coffee on the way home. 

Finally around 2pm, my fever breaks.  My head still hurts... my throat still aches.... my stomach is grumbling but I can't keep any food down. 

Oh the joys of NOT GETTING A FLU SHOT!?!?!??!?!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Good Samaritan(s)

Took the kids to a pumpkin patch today.  There was a gigantic inflatable slide there and SW naturally wanted to try it.  But he's so small...he can barely stand on an inflatable bounce house, let alone climb up that 45 deg ladder!  He didn't care...the world stood still for him...he disregarded the line of a dozen screaming kids behind him.

And out of nowhere... these two adorable girls, I'm thinking they were 8-9 yr old?  They slowly and surely helped SW up those final steps.  Holding him.  Lifting him.  Very patient....very loving.

They got so high I couldn't see them anymore.  And down they came!  Not only did SW slide down... that older girl was holding his hand the entire way.  (Awwww.....)  That smile on his face was blinding.  I couldn't help but run up and thank those two little girls.

Where was NN all this time??  She left SW behind...slid down herself...was having a wonderful time... until Daddy ripped a new one into her for ditching her little brother.  Geez!!!  That "joyous moment" from yesterday?!? Scratch that!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A joyous moment

It's Nui-nui's second season of Kidz Love Soccer... and at the end of every session... the coach will get the kids to scream, "KIDZ LOVE SOCCER" in unison and then hi-5 all the coaches and assistant coaches.  At the end of today's session... Nui-nui grabs Siu-Wah's hand and brings him with her.

Siu Wah is in seventh heaven! He gets to be with big sister and do big sister things!  And Nui-nui fits the role of the protective loving elder sibling perfectly. 

Bah-B and Mah-mee naturally starts shedding tears of joy. Hahaha.... our little ones are growing up.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Act of Kindness

On our way to Costco...we saw a family of four sitting by the entrance.  The parents are probably my age... their two kids are probably 7 and 4.  The two kids were laughing, joking.  The mom sat their, stoic.  The dad held the simple sign - "Money, Food, or Job.  Please help." 

Joyce suggested we get them a chicken. 

As we exited, we dropped off the chicken... the dad said, "Thank you.  God bless you." 

So... is there a difference between a family of four vs. a shaggy looking drunk?  Yes...
Did the family really need to stoop so low as to use their kids to trigger an emotional response? I don't know...

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Finally found one....

Since I lost my sunglasses on our Hawaii trip in May... I haven't been able to find a replacement that fits.  Been using my Air Force Pilot glasses for the past 5 months.

Yesterday... finally located a pair at Nordstrom Rack.  $50 marked down to $15.  Nice!! 

I like cheap stuff... who am I kidding? I'm cheap... the kids will certainly bend or break them.  If not... I'll lose it and need to find another pair.  Only now... I know here to go look!

I cried...again

Currently reading Hillary Clinton's autobiography (in preparation for her 2016 run haha).  And I started weeping uncontrollably when I got to the part where her father was reluctant to give her away to Bill Clinton on their wedding day.

I started thinking... what I would do when the day comes that I have to give Nn's hand away in marriage.  I don't think I'll be able to do it.... :*(

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Ohhhh soooo jealous

Was flying red-eye to Philly, hoping to catch some sleep during the 5 hour flight since I had a long day ahead.  Next two me sat a mother and daughter... 6 year old maybe?

Within 5 minutes of taking off...they were snoring away.  And for the rest of the night... I kept on staring at them... green with envy, dying with jealousy..... begging, praying, hoping... that I too can just fall asleep.

But I left the neckpillow in the car and my seat didn't recline.