Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Annual collapse of the body...

Two years ago... Hand Foot Mouth.
Last year... return of Hand Foot Mouth.

This year... it was gonna hit sooner or later.  When Rachel came down with the flu two weeks ago, I was especially careful, taking extra precaution by taking Airborne, etc...

But starting last Thursday, I already felt it in throat.  Friday, I started coughing.  Saturday, the fever hit.  Sunday, it went to 100.  Monday went up to 104!!  I was so cold I was buried under a mountain of sheets, but at the same time, so hot I had two ice packs in my armpits.  Tuesday night... fever went down to a mild 102.  But my head was hurting so much I couldn't sleep a wink the entire night.  Wednesday comes around and I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't walk.... headache is still there.  I blame it on Caffeine withdrawal.... so I beg Joyce to go grab me a cup of coffee on the way home. 

Finally around 2pm, my fever breaks.  My head still hurts... my throat still aches.... my stomach is grumbling but I can't keep any food down. 

Oh the joys of NOT GETTING A FLU SHOT!?!?!??!?!

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