Sunday, October 13, 2013

Good Samaritan(s)

Took the kids to a pumpkin patch today.  There was a gigantic inflatable slide there and SW naturally wanted to try it.  But he's so small...he can barely stand on an inflatable bounce house, let alone climb up that 45 deg ladder!  He didn't care...the world stood still for him...he disregarded the line of a dozen screaming kids behind him.

And out of nowhere... these two adorable girls, I'm thinking they were 8-9 yr old?  They slowly and surely helped SW up those final steps.  Holding him.  Lifting him.  Very patient....very loving.

They got so high I couldn't see them anymore.  And down they came!  Not only did SW slide down... that older girl was holding his hand the entire way.  (Awwww.....)  That smile on his face was blinding.  I couldn't help but run up and thank those two little girls.

Where was NN all this time??  She left SW behind...slid down herself...was having a wonderful time... until Daddy ripped a new one into her for ditching her little brother.  Geez!!!  That "joyous moment" from yesterday?!? Scratch that!!

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