Sunday, February 09, 2014


Comes a point in everything we do where we continue to improve... and move upwards.. and eventually... hit the proverbial plateau.  A state of being where we no longer improve as fast... where everything we do is the same as in the near past... and there's no sign of positive progress. 

Working out... we find we're not getting stronger or faster anymore.

Cooking... our spouse and kids don't clean off the plates like they use to.

Bible study... "I saw this last time. What's new?" 

Same thing with our annual Chinese New Year performance at church.  I think all the fellowships have plateaued with creativity and execution.  Everyone is doing the same things now...  a video blending in some on stage performance.  Every year, it's some sort of dance or nostalgic walk down memory lane of 80's-90's music. The only "wow" effect comes with the anticipation of Andrew's next video masterpiece.  But he's a professional... and a fine one at that. 

How do we change the regime? How do we spice things up? Where is our breakthrough? Hmmm.....

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