Saturday, February 15, 2014

So weird...

Out of nowhere... I suddenly had an urge to watch a movie.  But we don't have Hulu, Netflix, ppstream or funshion.  So I spent a good half hour looking for a movie to watch on youtube. 

After deciding to watch a 劉青雲 movie... it turns out to be a serious crime drama and not a comedy.  And when it got to the part where one of the lead character (a cop) goes home and has a sick boy who bleeds profusely and needs constant care... I immediately stopped watching.

I want to watch movies that take me away from daily pains and aches. I want to watch movies that'll help me laff... and forget the daily humdrums of life.  I want to watch something... that won't evoke pain or tears.  Man.... how weird...

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