Friday, June 20, 2014

A tearful moment...

Nui-nui graduated from preschool to kinder today. Everything went well... as planned... until the final act when the students walked in to "Pomp and Circumstance" for the handing out of diplomas.

At this point, all the parents are crowding the front of the stage fighting to grab a shot of their kids for that one "Kodak" moment.  All eyes were on the kids (of course)... and then out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of our family friend who was welling up in tears. 

Ironically, her son is stoic.  He's probably rehearsed this for a 100 times the past few months.  He probably didn't want to be there.  In fact, his mind was probably wandering and thinking about lunch or cartoons or half a dozen other things....  Most importantly, he will go through life never knowing and realizing what his mom was going through. 

Human emotions.... it's so mysterious. 

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