Friday, June 06, 2014

Element of Surprise

Remember when you saw a movie...or watched a TV show...and there was such a huge twist in the plot or a surprise ending that got you to jump out of your seat and say, "Oh sh*t!"


Like the Sixth Sense moment - when the audience finally realizes that Bruce Willis was dead the entire time. 

Or the original God of Gamblers, when Chow Yun Fat has the entire theater thinking he had a full house vs the 4 queens.  Then he turns the card and says, "你唔好采啦!" to reveal four Aces. 

Then there's the ultimate twists of twists...the father of all twists (pun intended), when Darth Vader reveals himself to be Luke Skywalker's father.  I never got that experience.  And I always wonder how I would've felt, had I been a teenager, sitting in the theaters and experiencing that moment on the silver screen for the first time. 

There's since been multiple parodies about that moment.  And there are Youtube videos of parents showing Star Wars to their kids in the proper order, starting with Ep IV...before going back to the prequels, and capture the moment of shock on his kids' face when the infamous words, "I am your father" is muttered by Vader.

Well.... I just realized.... that I've already ruined that moment for my kids!! Nui-nui, at least, will never get to experience the biggest twist in the history of movies.  Why??? Cuz I read her this book!!! A seemingly harmless book.... d'oh!

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