Friday, July 25, 2014

Levi's Stadium

Realized a childhood dream.... by walking into the 49ers stadium as a season ticket holder.

The stadium... not all that. From the outside it looks more like a factory.  Doesn't have the beauty of Pac Bell (AT&T).  Doesn't have the skyline dominance like Qwest (Seattle).  Doesn't have the sleekness of Lincoln Financial (Philly) or the signature bowl of Candlestick (SF).  But hey... it's the new home of the Niners.  It's ugly, but it's our ugly. 

Now.... I love my daughter.  I can honestly say she has me wrapped around her fingers.  And there is undoubtedly favoritism.  I admit it!!  But when it came to approaching the shadows of the fortress... when we were walking up the steps of Levi's Stadium... when we first stared onto the green of the grass.... I couldn't help but want to hold onto my son.

And nothing made me prouder... than to be able to find my season ticket holder seat... Section 321, Row 7, Seat 24.... and sit down for a picture with my dad and my son.  Three generations of Leung's... bonded and connected by the mighty 49ers.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Make the journey your destination....

I hate legos.
I hate puzzles.
I hate IKEA furniture.

I hate the long process of building things and putting things together.  I just want to get there and be done with.

Spent 2 hours last night building a Thomas train track for the kids.  The instructions were simple and prehistoric.  I actually built up a sweat doing this.  And what kept me going... was waiting to see the kids face when they wake up in the morning to see an entire train set on their living room floor.

As expected.... the kids loved it.  They couldn't stop playing with it.  It felt like it was all worthed....till I realized.... I could've built the entire thing with the kids.  That probably would've meant so much more to them.... then playing with the train set for a day.

Another lesson learned... where the journey, is the destination.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Yet...Another first

Been at SJCAC for close to 10 years now.  That means... >500 sermons.  Dozens and dozens of conferences and speakers.  Scores of Prayer meetings.  And probably a quarter or 1/3 of all those sermons / sharing... came with translation.

I've always wondered about live translation... wonder how I would do if I was given that chance.

I've been doing live translations... Chinese-to-English... in the back, over a headset, for the past 2 years.  Easy-peesy.  No one to judge you... no one knows what you're saying.  The few who are listening won't know if you're right or wrong.

Well... here's a first.  I was given the opportunity to translate live.... on stage... by the pulpit.... from English to Chinese.  Not Chinese to English.... no no no no.

I was stressing all weekend. Pastor Ted sent me his outline ahead of time, so I can mull over a few of those tricky theological words.  But a pastor of his caliber can go all over the place at a moment's notice.  There was simply no way to truly prepare for this.

It went by so fast.  Beside the pulpit... I looked for those few familiar faces that'll bring me comfort.  Of course... my wife.  Anytime I was struggling... I'll just look back at her.  Christie.... sitting where she usually sits up front.  Another sight of comfort.  Rocky.... all the way in the back.  Eden Fellowship and their kids.... making all the noise. 

So many places, I wish I had better terms.  So many places... I wish I was quicker in thinking.  And a few places... where I simply lost concentration and wasn't paying attention, so I just made stuff up along the way. HA! And before I knew it... it was 11:30.

Phew..... done. Over.  Time to sit down...and head to lunch.  And the end of that.