Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Make the journey your destination....

I hate legos.
I hate puzzles.
I hate IKEA furniture.

I hate the long process of building things and putting things together.  I just want to get there and be done with.

Spent 2 hours last night building a Thomas train track for the kids.  The instructions were simple and prehistoric.  I actually built up a sweat doing this.  And what kept me going... was waiting to see the kids face when they wake up in the morning to see an entire train set on their living room floor.

As expected.... the kids loved it.  They couldn't stop playing with it.  It felt like it was all worthed....till I realized.... I could've built the entire thing with the kids.  That probably would've meant so much more to them.... then playing with the train set for a day.

Another lesson learned... where the journey, is the destination.

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