Friday, December 26, 2014


Struggling with the fact that my kids are simply spoiled. I can't blame them.. .they're 3 and 5.  Kids will be kids.

Leading up to Christmas... all the kids thought about were their presents. 

Christmas Eve - we told them they can open one gift.  They wake up at the crack of dawn and wake up both of us.  After ripping open one gift, they only wanted to play with the other sibling's present.

We told them, one present a day, in hopes of dampening dismissal of interest.  Failed.

Each day, they'll wake up as excited as a jumping bean.  10 minutes after opening their presents, they'll be bored of it.

Oh how I wish we can just give them one gift... one gift for each Christmas.  So they cherish that one gift. But with uncles and aunts and family friends all involved... there's no way we can limit it to one gift.

Oh the dilemmas in life.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

"I feel ya bro..."

While making a late night run to Lucky's to pick up some creamer and juice, I walk by the feminine hygiene section and see a guy taking pictures of the products and prices with his smart phone.

There's nothing to say or do... you simply tip your hat and say, "Been there, done that. I feel for ya bro..."

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Caroling

Had an opportunity to go caroling at some new friend's house this past Sunday.  The best part of the experience, was I brought Nn with me. And Nn loved every minute of it. Joyce is finally able to allow her to skip her nap... even though Nn can still use it.  But it's a new page in our family ministry. 

This started last week when we basically skipped nap... and went to visit a newborn baby, then immeidately afterwards, a cancer stricken family friend.  The kids zonked out right after we started driving expected. 

I really want to keep this momentum going.  Take our kids everywhere we go.  If we're able to serve God, we serve as a family.   It's one thing to TELL them to love God, love man.  It's another to SHOW them that mahmee and bahbee really loves God. 

Monday, December 08, 2014

It finally happened...

I knew the day would come... just didn't realize it would come this quick. 

Last night, after another 2AM bout of yelling at Nn, I finally hit the first (and hopefully last) breaking point of our father daughter relationship.

Normally... when I come home from work, SW and NN would race to come hug me.  But today... I was home for a good 5 minutes.  I had to go look for NN in the play room.  I asked her, "Why didn't you come hug me?"  She said, "I didn't hear you come in."  And she continued playing with her Lego's.  Then I said, "Can I get a hug now?"  And almost like a light lit up... or she came back to normal (or whatever normal is), smiled and gave me the normal bear hug that only kids can give their parents.

Whatever the reason I yelled at her... however strict parents we are... no matter how high expectations Joyce and I set for them.... is it worthed? Is it??

Where does this lie in the all-time "failures" as a parent?

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

There will be a day

The day will come when we have to make decisions - life or death situations.  I don't mean that as an innuendo or pun.  But when your loved one has been in the hospital for over a year... and situation has gone worse to worser... there comes a time when you realize, maybe medicine is not working.  There will be a day... when you have to decide, it's time to let go. 

Pastor Ed... you're going to a much MUCH better place.  You will never be forgotten.