Friday, December 26, 2014


Struggling with the fact that my kids are simply spoiled. I can't blame them.. .they're 3 and 5.  Kids will be kids.

Leading up to Christmas... all the kids thought about were their presents. 

Christmas Eve - we told them they can open one gift.  They wake up at the crack of dawn and wake up both of us.  After ripping open one gift, they only wanted to play with the other sibling's present.

We told them, one present a day, in hopes of dampening dismissal of interest.  Failed.

Each day, they'll wake up as excited as a jumping bean.  10 minutes after opening their presents, they'll be bored of it.

Oh how I wish we can just give them one gift... one gift for each Christmas.  So they cherish that one gift. But with uncles and aunts and family friends all involved... there's no way we can limit it to one gift.

Oh the dilemmas in life.

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