Saturday, April 18, 2015

Slabs and slabs of stones

Final day of our spring break with the kids...and we venture out to start shopping for countertops and kitchen cabinets. My biggest fear...with almost any type of shopping... is the sheer amount of choices we have!!  There are so many stores.  So many options.  So many prices.  It'll drive me crazy.  It's already started to drive Joyce crazy.

One thing I noticed while doing our round of shopping.  There's no lack of business in the remodeling business!  It's such a lucrative business.  And the thought creeps into my mind.... why can't I do this??

Heck... I can sell cabinets and stones.  I can be a general contractor and take young/helpless/ignorant couples around and sell them things (while keeping 30% of the discount I get as a GC).  How hard can it be??

Second career maybe?

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