Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Found a great deal at a Art and Wine Festival where we got to go to a vacation villa for only $400... but we get $200 cash back.  So only $200!!!  (normally priced at $1200).  The catch is... you have to sit through a 90 minute presentation on becoming a Timeshare member.

From the minute I sat down... I was an a-hole.  I disrupted the guy's pace.  I interrupted him.  I turned his sales pitch into a conversation.  He in annoyed at me.  Back and forth... back and forth.

Not sure what I have against salespeople.  Maybe it's from the awful experience as a kid when I saw dad get ripped off time and time again at the used car lots.

Every salesman is sleazy. They're dishonest, no matter how nice they come across.  And they'll do anything to get your business.

The crazy...CRAZY thing was. I think I can do that job...and do it well. HA!!

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