Wednesday, December 09, 2015


I love Costco.  I love walking down the aisles and aisles of underpriced bulk items that I never seem to need.  And I love the $4.99 chicken that I can never make.  But Costco is one of the most disgusting places that is a direct reflection of greed and selfishness.

The other day in the foodcourt... I see a man in his late fifties with a hotdog and a drink ($1.50--beautiful!!).  He had two plastic water cups... for water?? No!! He was pumping away and filling both cups with relish and onions.  REALLY??? You're gonna put all that on your hot dog??? Or do you have some weird fetish where instead of chips and salsa, you eat chips and relish/onions??

A few months ago during the summer... when half the bay area was BBQ-ing... I saw this couple with a cooler and giant sized plastic bags by the soda machine.  They were filling up those bags with ice and sticking it in the cooler.  They didn't even have the decency to let us soda drinkers get our ice.  REALLY??? How much is a pound of ice at Lucky's?????

Ohhhh... and the return line.  A few times I've personally witnessed people returning items without receipts that are over 2-3 years old.  And Costco still accepts them!! "Sir.. .I can't find your receipt so I can only give you the most current listed price."  One guy returned a shirt.  Another couple returned a dog cushion.  Some guy had the nerve to return an air filter!! 

Not to mention the people who make beelines and tackles everyone along the way to get a free sample.  And those are the very same people who leave their carts and clog up the aisles.

I mean.... REALLY??? REALLY?????

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