Friday, August 26, 2016


Today was Han Yi's last day with us. 5 years. She's been with our family for 5 years. From the day Joyce went back to work after maternity leave to SW entering kindergarten, she's been part of our family. This morning as we were leaving our kids with her for the last time, I can see the tears welling up in her eyes.

This afternoon, I had the fortunate / misfortunate chnace to bid her final farewell.  She sat there... And said, 「五年啦。真係唔捨得。」And the waterworks were turned back on. Amazingly, my eyes were dried. Until....

「嫻姨,我從來都冇當我係雇主你係工人。我只當你都係一個好願意幫我地嘅好朋友。 」

And when I said that.. It suddenly got really dusty in the room.

In our minds, she is our 大恩人。 She took great care of our son. When he did not transition to a bottle from nursing, she spoon fed him milk from a spoon. A three month old!! She spoon fed him milk!! She taught my children how to sing 上海灘。 She turned down multiple more lucrative job offers to stay with us because she would never leave us hanging out to dry. 

She says that she treats us as a younger sibling. But in reality, she is old enough to be our mom.   

天下無不散之宴席。 And this is no exception. 

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